Prototype 0019
1920 x 1080 animation Prototype0019 (2020).
Made with Cinema 4D.
Contain 39million hair collider. Artist 00 Zhang @aio0o0o0 Curated by @hervisions
Made with Cinema 4D.
Contain 39million hair collider. Artist 00 Zhang @aio0o0o0 Curated by @hervisions

The elf named Prototype0019, which in 00’s metaverse every living entity will be assigned a serial number: as if No.16 is an alien creature trapped in a time crack, no.14 is a reproduction machine. They are the shadows of us and the virtual world. They are virtual devices that cross disciplines; they involve more science,
invisible energy, technology, and the mystery of electronics.
The aesthetic implication of this is to throw stable order into the wind of becoming. In which new fusions of technology and sense, aesthetics and ethics, virtuality and actuality can all be combined in new ways without thinking of limitation. As an individual, the body subject is to continually transform but likewise so does that of culture, which forms it's background shifts as a consequence. In this way, identity tends towards instability, particularly of the technology.
With our absence of the physical world, the fusion of technology and senses, aesthetics and ethics, virtuality and reality are like bubbles of effervescent tablets. It is a new language and open source information, forming a new cloud of resistance.
A digital echo of a delicate conviction powered by the blockchain.